Friday, February 5, 2021

Sprint 2 Deliverables — Corpse Bride

Sprint 2 Deliverables — Corpse Bride 

Update Summary

I focused this week on beginning some initial geometry for Emily's Head's retopology phase after doing some cleanup work on her sculpt. I want to get some early bakes done on a game-res model in order to see how my sculpt will directly effect the texture process. However, I paused work on the game-res version in order to learn a bit better about how facial topology should flow. I did some research on the flow around the eyes / lips / nose and how those intersect so that I could tackle it better this upcoming week with a better game plan. I also began some initial research on how to model the hair for Emily, but I am still continuing that research. I also resized Emily's head and Emily's body (being worked on by Yami) in order to ensure that everything would be a decent size to work with in the engine. We ran into some issues with the incompatibility of the meshes, but solved it by ensuring we were both exporting the FBX files as 2020 FBXs. Next week I plan to continue my retopology phase, research how to create the hair, as well as update the 'Crow Effect' in our experience that is intended to be used when you are changing levels.

The new updated head sculpt.

Head retopology pre-research. Some initial mouth rings and eye rings, but I got confused when connecting them together, and thought research was a better approach.

Below are some resources that I am looking into for hair explanation.

Here is the new resized version of Emily's proxy model.