Friday, June 11, 2021

Corpse Bride Turn in 2


 Corpse Bride Schedule & Sprint 02 Turn In

Here is where my tasks are currently! I have finished two of my assets. I did not include the full asset list for the entire team because that was included in the first turn in. I only showcase here what has changed.

Sprint 01 Tasks

Hands, done last turn in.

Sprint 02 Tasks

Bar Top (Pentagon)

Last semester, Lori created the beginning of this asset. She created the game-res, as well as the UVs for the bar. I was tasked with finishing the asset.

First I looked at what the references we had gathered looked like, and ultimately decided that while it did not need a sculpt to get the details onto it, it would need some extra beveling around the edges.

Here's the slightly up-res'd version of the table with extra beveling.

Here are the final textures in the UE4 viewer. I did not dedicate as much time and attention to the back half of the bar top because the player can never go behind it.

This is the asset in the scene, it looks a bit out of place currently as one of the few assets that are finished in that area.

Hanging Lamp Over Piano

For this piece I will be sculpting and texturing it for Sprint 02. The game res and UVs were already done last semester by Yami

Sprint 03

Bar - Shelving (Open Coffin)

The game res and UVs are already done for this, so I will just be sculpting and texturing it.

Emily's Boquette (Rose, Lily, Baby's Breath)

I will be creating a game res for this, UVing, and texturing this piece.

Sprint 04

Round Picture Frame

The game res and UVs are already done for these so I will just be sculpting and texturing them


The game res and UVs are already done for this so I will just be sculpting and texturing them.

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